How Physiotherapists Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

February 21, 2019

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a health issue that originates on the inside of your hand, around the wrist. The main cause of this is said to be the continuous application of pressure on the median nerve. This pressure can be a result of a repetitive action that forces the surrounding areas of the median nerve, the anatomical structure of your wrist, or other health-related causes. 

A person who is affected might experience numbness and a tingling feeling in the area, and this can even lead to the weakening of your wrist. Hence, professional physiotherapists Burnaby will follow a course of treatment that relieves the pressure exerted on your median nerve.

The Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

According to Burnaby Physio, there are two main symptoms seen in those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.


  1. A numbness and prickly feeling around the wrist

The numbness and tingling feeling is quite dominant in the thumb, ring, and index fingers. In some instances, this feeling might even develop into a sort of electric shock and may even extend up to your arm.

  1. Weakening of the wrists

Weakening of the wrists is usually caused either by the numbness or the weakening of the pinching muscles of your thumb.

If you ever come across these symptoms, do make it a point to visit your doctor at a physiotherapy clinic. Because these symptoms can turn into the permanent nerve and muscle damages if not treated on time.

The Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The primary cause of the syndrome is the pressure applied to the median nerve of the hand. Since the nerve extends from your forearm to wrist, it is what controls the sensation to the inner surface of all fingers except the little one. The median nerve is also involved in transmitting signals that coordinate the muscle movements at the bottom of the thumb.

Hence, you cannot pinpoint one single cause for carpal tunnel syndrome. There can be a multitude of factors that contribute to this. Basically, anything that exerts pressure or irritates your median nerve can be a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Among the wide range of factors that can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome, the following are some of the most common risk factors we see in patients at our Burnaby physio clinic.

  • Anatomical conditions such as muscle injuries, fractures, and dislocations can cause continuous pressure on your median nerve. This will be especially prominent for those with narrower carpal tunnels.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is much more dominant in women than in men. This is presumed to be due to the narrowing down of the carpal tunnels in females.
  • Chronic illnesses such as diabetes can result in damages to the nerves that may also include your median nerve. Hence, even they could contribute to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Any form of inflammation that exerts pressure on your wrists can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. 
  • Some types of medicine such as anastrozole (Arimidex) have also been listed as a risk factor for the syndrome.
  • Bodyweight can also play a role in carpal tunnel syndrome and thus, obese people are found to be in higher risk.
  • Work environment, posture, and gesture can also cause continuous pressure on your median nerve and lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. The computer is deemed to be one such dominant contributing factor.

In addition to the above, varying medical conditions such as thyroid disorders and changes in the body fluid can also lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In order to prevent the syndrome, the following are few best practices recommended by our Burnaby physiotherapy service.

  • Frequently relax the muscles surrounding your wrist
  • Take regular breaks during your work routine
  • Maintain proper posture and form
  • Use a mouse that is comfortable and easy to use
  • Maintain the warmth of your hands

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